I've mentioned that I had my cable tv disconnected in an attempt to do less distracting and more LIVING my life. I really didn't understand just how much time I spent pouring sound into my brain to drown out whatever it is I was drowning out. Anxiety is fear....and I deal with anxiety on a daily basis. I can't tell you why, but it's what I'm finding as I move forward with trying to live my life in a healthy way. I'll be writing a blog about "What does healthy mean to me?" as a homework assignment from my therapist...so more on that later. With regard to Anxiety, I have been more aware of it since the TV being disconnected which feels SO silly that I would allow television (or the lack thereof) to completely stress me out. And then I realize, it's not the television at all..it's the quiet that my brain will be faced with.
BUT Rather than freaking out about how I would fill my day today, I found myself eager to get outside and be productive! Last weekend I felt a sense of mastery when I set out to do that jumpstart on yard work just before Spring gets here and the grass is knee high before you know it. That's how it happens every year and I get frustrated with myself for NOT doing the things I had intended to do..and the things I ENJOY doing. SO, this year IS different. It doesn't have to be the same thing different year for me. I did do the first mow of the season. I did trim the first section of branches to prevent head injuries while using the riding mower. I did use the walk behind mower to go between the back row of trees. AND IT FELT GREAT.

I've also tackled a very small portion of the garage and collected much of the cardboard that has piled up over the year. Perhaps tomorrow I'll run to the transfer station and dump all the recycle stuff that doesn't fit in the recycle bin!
The day isn't over, still more time to be active and productive. Feels good and I'm enjoying my day of living.