Wow...what we plan and what we DO can sometimes be very different things huh? My daughter has been volunteering at Deaf-Blind camp this week so I've been lucky enough to have my granddaughter for the week. I can handle the tasks of daily living, working 2 jobs, exercising, and being a Nammie (Taylor's name for me) and blogging! Turns out I can't! OR more accurately, I didn't. I suppose I could have had I sacrificed one thing or another. ANYWAY, I did blog Monday but the rest of the week has sort of been a blur! Here's what I remember....
Tuesday morning workout with Chris was FUN. He had me doing the typical stuff like lunges with a medicine ball overhead lift down the length of the gym and back, followed by Step Ups with the medicine ball overhead lifts and then...the fun started. He had me glove up and showed me how to jab, punch, uppercut, shin kick and knee kick. Too cool. I've never been one to think boxing would be enjoyable. But I LOVED it. I dont' think I've ever sweat so much when working out with him. Don't get me wrong...he works me out and I sweat but this was so cool...I mean hot...I mean exhausting! There was some DORK there trying to cheer me on - Chris had to ask him to leave because he was causing a ruckus but once that distraction was out of the way, it was really fun.
Wednesday I went with co-workers to Seabeck WA for Deaf-Blind Camp for the day. Because of travel time, I didn't get in a workout. AHHH - as I type this I see myself making excuses for not moving! Granted I was in the car from 5:45 am til 8:30 am and again from 4:00 pm to 6:30 pm BUT what did I do from 6:30 til bed time? Good question...I wasn't accountable to myself for that time. Honestly I dont' even remember what I did but it wasn't exercise. This makes me think of Tara's recent blog about commitment - (check it out at, having referred myself back to the concept of commitment and the notion of "kind of" vs. commited to...I am "committed to" a better week starting this second...not Monday, not tomorrow, now.
Thursday was good with another workout session with Chris. This time he had me use a machine that I've been intimidated by since I joined the gym. I typically use the same treadmill or elliptical machines when I go in, which means I get to see the same machine...(insert sound effects here... dun dun dun) the Chin/Dip Assist. Since I was a kid - even during the years that I was a gymnast, I couldn't do a chin up. I've always HATED the idea of having to do chin ups so when that day came in gym class I was mysteriously absent, or hand an injury OR a broken arm in a cast. I SWEAR I didn't break my arm to get out of chin ups!
ANYWAY...when Chris said we'd be doing "that" machine, my heart kinda started to panic a little. I was worried that I wouldn't fit between the bars or I'd not be able to pull myself all the way up OR do the dip and actually bring myself back to the starting position. BUT I was successful. I know it's a little silly because that's why the word "assist" is in the name of the machine because you can set it to an appropriate weight to take your weight and strength into consideration. I think I need to start trusting myself and my trainer to push a little harder.
Friday is my LONG day...I typically work 8 to 12 at one job and then 1:30 to 11 pm at the other...I have to make that my "no exercise day" but tomorrow I'll be taking a walk/bike ride with Taylor before I have to give her back on Sunday.
The other thing that became evident is that I MUST start counting calories to have a better (clearer) understanding of what my intake is so that I can start seeing the results I want.
Thanks for reading my long-winded blog!