Crazy. 224.4 pounds means that I've lost a total of 52.6 pounds. Hitting that 50 pound mark was an amazing feeling. That happened earlier in the week but I was skeptical that it was real. Lots of self doubt creeps in with voices saing things like "Oh, that's just a fluke..tomorrow you'll be back up to 230", or "hmmm, something must be wrong with your scale". It's crazy, the mental game that goes on in my head. I read it on other blog posts so I know I'm not alone in that mentality which is a huge relief.
So, today I celebrate that I have indeed reached a milestone of more than 50 pounds lost on this adventure/journey of weightloss and living life. I'm very lucky to have so many supportive friends and family members encouraging me along the way, so thanks for being there for me. How about I envision each of you in a cheerleading uniform with pom poms as I finish my next race? I haven't signed up for one yet, but I'll be looking for one. Until then, think about what color uniforms you guys want to wear! I gotta get the mental image ready! I'm leaning towards pink and orange....your thoughts?