Sunday, January 23, 2011

New Record!

About 9 months ago, I attempted to do the "Couch to 5K" program. It's a program that takes someone from a sedentary lifestyle to theoretically being able to actually run a 5K race. Week one of the program has you alternate walking for 90 seconds (I think) and running at a comfortable pace for 30 seconds. I could barely do that without feeling like my heart was going to pound out of my chest. I did the first two or three weeks before I had to give it up due to knee pain. Turns out, at my weight back then, running just wasn't for me.

BUT, I didn't give it up completely because I do enjoy it and the treadmill is my friend. I've kept doing my cardio on the treadmill continually trying to better my speed or endurance. Yesterday was GREAT! I set the time for 60 minutes (it wouldn't let me set it for 90) and started moving. Typically I walk briskly for a while and then bump up the speed to 5.0 (I know not super fast but it's a good jogging pace for me). I've gotten to a point where I usually can jog for about 7 minutes at a time before I have to bump it back down to the 3.5(ish) mark. I'm pretty proud of myself because I used to feel like I was going to die trying to do 30 seconds. WELL, yesterday when the notice came across that at a speed of 5.0 I was doing a 12 minute mile, I decided to try to run for 12 minutes AND I DID!!!! I was so excited and proud of myself that I was grinning from ear to ear. I'm sure the people around me thought I was nuts but I'm ok with that. After the 12 minute run, I walked at a brisk 4.0 for another 8 minutes and then I DID IT AGAIN! I ran another 12 minutes. AWESOME!

I finished my 60 minute stint on the treadmill at 4.7 miles so I know my upcoming 6.2 mile race on Sunday is doable. How long will it take me? I'm hoping for 90 minutes but if it takes longer than that so be it! I refuse to give up and although there are days when it feels like giving up and living a fat life would be better...I WON'T DO IT! I'm worth the effort it takes to be healthy. AND SO ARE YOU!

Whatcha gonna do to sweat today?


  1. Excellent! I'm now being able to run a 5K with minimal walking; I'm exploring speedwork to try to surpass my 5K PR of 48:14 (12:42 pace). I've been kind of complacent, preferring to build distance, but the time has come to face the pace, as it were. I had better blog now, as this will otherwise turn into a very long comment. :-)

  2. Awesome! I tried running too.. it really isn't for me.. It's cool that you have found what you love to do!


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