Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 2 and what my body thinks of caffeine and fat!

As I closed my post lastnight, I announced that I'd made a conscious decision to have beef stroganoff for dinner and CHOCOLATE CAKE in celebration of my birthday. What I neglected to mention is that I'd started my day with an iced mocha (with just a splash of half and half...hmmm - by whose measure?), had a clif chocolate brownie bar for a morning snack, followed by a tuna sub at Subway (one of the highest calorie subs on the menu and this one was premixed with way too much mayo!) and VERY LITTLE WATER.

Before I even went home I was experiencing some tummy trouble but I didn't let that stop me from eating the birthday dinner of choice. The "tummy trouble" led to me cancelling my training session with Chris. I've been sluggish, tired, headachy and overall "icky" today and I have to work until 11 pm. BLEH. I've probably had more diet coke in the last 4 days than I've had in the last 4 months...I can't imagine that's been helpful!

I'm trying to use this as a learning opportunity. It's so obvious that my body had become accustomed to the better choices I'd been making. Choices like at least 96 ounces of water a day, daily physical movement of some sort...a walk on my break time, an aerobics class...SOMETHING. 12 days between vists to the gym is a big NO NO for me.

Because I'm working late tonight (I won't get to bed before midnight), I'll be passing on the gym tomorrow but I'm meeting Tara for a walk after work. That will be my physical activity for the day. I'm hoping I can pull myself back together for the 5K in Olympia. It's the "Run Like a Dog" 5K Run/Walk to benefit the Thurston County Humane Society. I'm pretty much decided that I'll do it although I can't imagine that my time will be anything to write home (or blog) about! But I'll have my family there to route me on...Mikki and Taylor will be at the finish line so I can't leave them hanging for too long!

I'm anxious to get back to feeling great about my choices...is tomorrow when that will happen? NO, I'm determined that it happens NOW actually. I'm on my 3rd big bottle of water for the day. That's a good step right?

363 days to go...what will those days hold? LOTS OF POSITIVE CHANGES, accomplished goals, new challenges...I'm up for it.


  1. Awwww Kelly, what a great start to a great blog. If there is anything I can give you let it be this: You will succeed! It may not be pretty and it may have some pitfalls along the way but you will reach the destination and I'll be right there with you!

    We got this boo!


  2. I think you are incredibly courageous and I know that when you start your 46th year, it will be as a completely different person, physically and mentally.

    I'll be cheerin' for ya.

  3. It's just one day! That's all you have to remember. One day on a long journey. Tomorrow / Today is a new day. You'll be back on track and your body will love you for it.

    Good luck with the 5K. Forget about the time being something to blog about. One of my favourite quotes goes like this "There is no such thing as last! Behind you is an invisible crowd of thousands that didn't have the courage to start!"

    Looking forward to reading more of your successes and challenges!

  4. Thanks for the support....it's going to be an adventure for sure and I look forward to getting to know other people going through changes, accomplishing goals and achieving great things!


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