Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Just as I suspected...

I started to work on this post lastnight, but it was not meant to be. We had a huge windstorm that eventually left us without electricity for the night. I thought, no big deal...I'll post in the morning. That wasn't to happen either because part way through the REALLY DARK night (no electricity until this morning) I woke with a migraine and a very painful TOM that made me wish for death! BUT, I will not be kept down and I said I'd post....good or bad...

Well, I said I was dreading the weigh in on Monday. There was a definite gain and that number on the scale made me feel a lot of different emotions.

But those emotions aren't going to stop me from moving forward. I know that every weigh in won't necessarily be a loss but of course that's the goal. This week it was not to happen and I know it's the result of bad food choices, emotional meltdowns and a couple of anxiety attacks.

I won't give up.


  1. Xanax is low-cal, you know.

    But seriously, it happens to us all. I have gained 4 pounds because I wasn't the one who planned the food shopping this week - I was just too busy. I've been eating fast food, taking breakfast at Panera, and generally spoiling my palate at the expense of everything else.

    It's a new day. The wind may have wreaked havoc on our little corner of the world, but it also cleared the air. Breathe deeply, and carry on.

  2. Wait a minute. That's a different scale, isn't it? If it IS, it could be weighing you differently, too.

    I say, MEH, whatever, stupid numbers. You're rocking this thing and there ain't no tiny DIGITS that re gonna get in your way. Go blow us away next week... not with your numbers, but with how you LIVED YOUR LIFE!!!

    Loves :)

  3. Weeks with a gain are tough.. we can't be perfect all the time :) This week you will kick ass! <3

  4. Numbers go up.

    Numbers go down.

    In the end it doesn't matter as long as we move forward.

    However, this is easier said than done and we let the numbers affect how we feel about ourselves and this journey. What I hope you see is that this emotional upheaval is TOM related. We talked about this already so I won't go into a long blathering episode. Just know that what the number says today is not indicative of all the hard work you put into your journey.


Weight Loss