Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Little Successes Move Me Forward

So many "little things" have happened for me this week that I realized it doesn't always have to be a huge weightloss on the scale to prove that I'm making progress. An example? I was typing at work the other day and saw these little "things" on the backs of my hands...my tendons! I could see my tendons...big deal? Well, no but I can see them!

But wait! There's more....I can now reach places I haven't been able to reach for a while without trying to do some contortionist poses. NOW WAIT.....I mean my TOES! I can now officially cut my toe nails and remove my toe nail polish without having to hold my breath long enough to reach down for one toe at a time! I didn't even realize it until I was finished with the first foot and on the other.

And today, well...today I was able to buy a "belt pack" (which is the name on the label because I absolutely hate to admit I bought a fanny pack) that will go around my waist with room to spare. The reason I decided I wanted a fanny pack (ooh there it is) was during my walk this weekend (which I'll get to in a minute) I realized what I've been missing in the world as I sat on my couch/bed/chair/ASS while the world was happening all around me. I wanted my camera with me. Here's what I saw on my walk:
  • I met a fellow morning walker, 62 year old Ed who decided that he wants to stay strong and vibrant for himself and his family. We walked together for about 15 minutes and he could totally keep up with me (of course he was about 6' Tall so he had long legs)! My friends and family say I walk too fast...

  • A family of deer about 30 feet from me...grazing.

  • A perfectly still Discovery Bay in the early morning sunlight...it was gorgeous.

  • A HILL that kicked my ass the first time I walked it about 4 months ago - it was still tough but I made it without thinking I was going to die. I seriously contemplated my fate last time. I don't know how to calculate the grade of the hill, but it's so steep that going DOWN the hill is pretty tiring because you have to really control your speed or you'll go tumbling!

So, the walk was amazing and when I got back to my friend's house after a 1 hour serious cardio walk, I took her dog for a one mile walk without hesitation.

The final "small accomplishment" is a slight weight loss which I'll take with open arms. I'm down to 249.2 which is a loss of 1.2 pounds. Let's see what happens next week!


  1. OK, 2 things...

    You're in the 240s!!! 1.2 pounds is no SMALL accomplishment!

    Second... I'm afraid we can no longer be friends. I don't talk to people with fanny packs. ;)

  2. Good for you Kelly on a few things...getting the motivation to get up and move your body and the second for feeling "brave" enough to post your weight on here. You are definately in it for the long haul. Good for you and I have been reading your posts which gave me the motivation to get to the gym. Joined last week and so far have been pretty religious with it. thanks again and GOOD JOB KELLY.
    Kari Owen


Weight Loss