Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Week 4 Weigh In

Ok, week 4 weigh-in is not what I wanted, but it was not a complete surprise. I've had a gain of 2.8 pounds. I can tell you that my male friends and family may want to stop reading but the truth of it is that when it's "that time of the month" (aka TOM), I become ravenous for red meat and DARK CHOCOLATE. I didn't completely pig out on either but I did make a couple of food choices that could have been better (i.e. portion control and side items). So with an increase in calorie intake, TOM bloat and not enough exercise...the results are the gain.

SO, my goal for next month is to maintain my weight through the TOM phase and be more mindful of the food choices. I hate to post this picture but here it is! It's real life and it's just a marker on this journey of change.


  1. I understand the monthly irrational food choices... just at 2 pieces of pizza and 4 bread sticks. YIKES!!

    Tomorrow is another day to be more responsible!!

    Hang in there and keep inspiring me!!

  2. don't get down on yourself, at least you recognize the problem, and have come up with a solution, now you just need to follow through. And since you have agreed (by this blog) to be accountable for your own actions, YOU WILL DO IT! Keep going sis, I love you and have faith in you!

  3. Losses will happen.
    Gains will happen.

    The most important thing to remember is as long as your conscious of both then the losses will occur more than the gains.

  4. I had an awesome dream about you---You were thin and happy!!



Weight Loss